Peppermint Pep-Talk

Have you fallen in love with our Peppermint Tea yet?


If you haven’t, we’re about to give you a bunch of reasons why she’s about to be your next BFF. Although she might not be the most brightly coloured in the range, Peppermint has a lot of amazing qualities that make her a perfect addition to your everyday brew-tine (see what we did there?? )



Peppermint tea is made from steeping 100% natural peppermint leaves into hot water. No artificial additives whatsoever – which is hard to believe sometimes because the flavour is AH-MAY-ZING! It’s refreshing, cool and sweet.


Guilt Free Enjoyment

Not only is peppermint tea naturally free from caffeine, but it also has only 2 calories per 100ml! That means you can sip away on this little sweetie any time of day or night without having to worry about it. Ummmm, WINNING!


Happy Tummies

Studies have shown that peppermint tea has a relaxing effect on the muscles in the digestive system. Drinking peppermint tea after a meal is not just refreshing, it’s a great way to help your body digest. It can also help relieve the symptoms of IBS and provide relief when suffering from stomach upsets. However if you suffer from GERD (Reflux Disease) it may be better to enjoy it in small amounts.


Vitamin Intake

Our organic loose leaf peppermint tea is a great source of Potassium, Calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Folate. Adding into your regular diet is a great way to boost your vitamin intake.


Unblock Your Head

The soothing menthol that’s released from the leaves when you brew peppermint tea can provide some relief and decongestant properties to those suffering from blocked sinuses. If you need to clear your head, Peppermint’s got you, boo.


How to Brew Peppermint Tea

To get the best results from your loose leaf peppermint tea, it’s better to brew hot and allow to cool a little before consuming. Brewing hot draws more of the oils and vitamins to be extracted from the leaves.

  1. Boil your water to 100℃
  2. Add one teaspoon per cup to your teapot or infuser of choice.
  3. Pour in the boiling water and allow it to steep for 3 minutes. When you can smell that strong minty aroma hitting your nostrils, it’s ready.
  4. Remove the infuser and get ready to enjoy – but make sure it isn’t too hot!
  5. Sip Sip Hooray! Peppermint to fix your day.